Vulnerability Assessment & Network Security Forums |
The comprehensive list of vulnerabilities in this category are updated on a daily basis. There are currently 2,554 vulnerability test descriptions and summaries in the database. Clicking on the name of the vulnerability below will bring up the specific details for each network security test along with recommendations for patching the vulnerability and related discussions. Home >> Browse Vulnerability Assessment Database >> Gain a shell remotely Vulnerability assessments available for:
Vulnerability Name | Vulnerability Description | Network Security Threat Type | |
1) | /bin/login overflow exploitation | Attempts to log into the remote host | destructive_attack |
2) | ActiveSync packet overflow | Tests for the overflow in ActiveSync | destructive_attack |
3) | Alt-N MDaemon Imap Multiple Buffer Overflows | Checks the remote version of MDaemon | infos |
4) | Apache < 2.0.44 DOS device name | Checks for version of Apache | infos |
5) | Apache chunked encoding | Checks for version or behavior of Apache | mixed |
6) | Apache-SSL overflow | Checks for version of Apache-SSL | infos |
7) | BadBlue MFCISAPICommand Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Detects MFCISAPICommand remote buffer overflow vulnerability in BadBlue | mixed |
8) | Batalla Naval Overflow | Checks if the remote Battala Server can be overflown | mixed |
9) | BayTech RPC3 Telnet Daemon Authentication Bypass Vulnerability | Checks for authentication bypass vulnerability in BayTech RPC3 Telnet daemon | attack |
10) | BEA WebLogic <= 8.1 SP4 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Checks for multiple vulnerabilities in BEA WebLogic <= 8.1 SP4 | infos |
11) | BitKeeper remote command execution | Checks for the remote banner | infos |
12) | Canna Overflow | Checks if the remote Canna can be buffer overflown | destructive_attack |
13) | CCProxy Logging Function Overflow | Detects CCProxy | infos |
14) | CesarFTP multiple overflows | CesarFTP overflows | infos |
15) | cfengine CFServD transaction packet buffer overrun vulnerability | check for cfengine flaw based on its version | infos |
16) | Cherokee auth_pam format string vulnerability | Checks for version of Cherokee | infos |
17) | Cherokee directory traversal flaw | Checks for version of Cherokee | infos |
18) | Cherokee remote command execution | Checks for version of Cherokee | infos |
19) | Citadel/UX Format String Vulnerability | Checks the version of the remote Citadel server | infos |
20) | Citadel/UX select() bitmap remote buffer overflow | Checks the version of the remote Citadel server | infos |
21) | Citadel/UX Username overflow | Checks the version of the remote Citadel server | infos |
22) | Courier IMAP remote overflows | Checks the version number | infos |
23) | CUPS < 1.1.23 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Checks version of CUPS | infos |
24) | Cyrus IMAP Multiple Vulnerabilities | Checks for the banner of Cyrus IMAPd | infos |
25) | Cyrus IMAP pre-login buffer overrun | Checks for a pre-login buffer overrun in Cyrus IMAPd | infos |
26) | Cyrus IMAPD Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities | Checks for a Cyrus IMAPD version | infos |
27) | DB2 Multiple Vulnerabilities | IBM DB/2 version check | denial |
28) | Discuz! <= 4.0.0 rc4 Arbitrary File Upload Flaw | Checks Discuz! version | infos |
29) | dnsmasq Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities | Checks the version of dnsmasq | infos |
30) | Easy File Sharing FTP Server PASS Command Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for PASS command buffer overflow vulnerability in EFS FTP Server | denial |
31) | Ebola 0.1.4 buffer overflow | Determines if ebola 0.1.4 or older is running | infos |
32) | ELOG Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities | Checks for remote buffer overflow vulnerabilities in ELOG | mixed |
33) | F-Secure SSH Password Authentication Policy Evasion | F-Secure SSH version | infos |
34) | FakeBO buffer overflow | Overflows FakeBO's buffers | mixed |
35) | Fenice <= 1.10 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Tries to crash Fenice using large Content-Length | denial |
36) | Flash Player Improper Memory Access Vulnerabilities | Checks for an improper memory access vulnerabilities in Flash Player | infos |
37) | Gauntlet overflow | Overflow in the Gauntlet product line | destructive_attack |
38) | gnocatan multiple buffer overflows | Checks if the remote Gnocatan Server can be overflown | mixed |
39) | GNU Mailutils <= 0.6 Multiple Vulnerabilities | Checks for multiple vulnerabilities in GNU Mailutils <= 0.6 | mixed |
40) | GNU Mailutils imap4d Search Command Format String Vulnerability | Checks for search command format string vulnerability in GNU Mailutils imap4d | attack |
41) | Gopherd Buffer Overflow | Determines if gopherd can be used as a proxy | destructive_attack |
42) | gpsd remote format string vulnerability | Checks the version of the remote gpsd server | infos |
43) | GpsDrive friendsd Format String Vulnerability | Checks for format string vulnerability in GpsDrive friendsd | denial |
44) | Helix RealServer Buffer Overrun | RealServer and Helix Server Overflow | infos |
45) | Hobbit Monitor Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability | Checks for denial of service vulnerability in Hobbit Monitor | infos |
46) | ICECast HTTP Header Buffer Overflow | check icecast version | mixed |
47) | IMAP4buffer overflow in the BODY command | checks for a buffer overflow in imapd | infos |
48) | IMAP4rev1 buffer overflow after logon | checks for a buffer overflow in imapd | mixed |
49) | Intersoft NetTerm Netftpd USER Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for NetTerm Netftpd | infos |
50) | iPlanet Application Server Buffer Overflow | Determines if Sun ONE AS SP1 is applied | infos |
51) | ipop2d buffer overflow | checks for a buffer overflow in pop2d | mixed |
52) | Ipswitch IMail IMAP EXAMINE Argument Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for IMAP EXAMINE argument buffer overflow vulnerability in Ipswitch IMail | mixed |
53) | ipswitch IMail Server Delete Command Buffer Overflow | Checks for version of IMail web interface | infos |
54) | iTunes AAC File Integer Overflow Vulnerability (network check) | Check the version of iTunes | infos |
55) | iTunes For Windows Local Code Execution Vulnerability | Checks for an local code execution vulnerability in iTunes for Windows | infos |
56) | iWS shtml overflow | Web server buffer overflow | destructive_attack |
57) | Kerio MailServer < 6.0.1 | Checks for Kerio MailServer < 6.0.1 | infos |
58) | Kerio MailServer < 6.0.3 | Checks for Kerio MailServer < 6.0.3 | infos |
59) | Kerio WebMail v5 multiple flaws | Checks for Kerio MailServer | infos |
60) | libgtop_daemon format string | Crashes libgtop_daemon | destructive_attack |
61) | Lotus Domino Server Date Fields Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for date fields overflow vulnerability in Lotus Domino Server | infos |
62) | Lotus Domino Vulnerabilities | Checks for the version of the remote Domino Server | infos |
63) | LPRng malformed input | Checks for a vulnerable version of LPRng | infos |
64) | Macromedia JRun Multiple Vulnerabilities | downloads the source of CFM scripts | infos |
65) | Magic WinMail Format string | Magic WinMail banner check | infos |
66) | Mail-it Now! Upload2Server Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability | Checks for arbitrary file upload vulnerability in Mail-it Now! Upload2Server | mixed |
67) | MailEnable IMAP Overflow and SMTP Vulnerabilities | Checks for IMAP overflow and SMTP DoS vulnerabilities in MailEnable | denial |
68) | MailEnable SE SMTP Command Format String Vulnerability | Checks for SMTP command format string vulnerability in MailEnable SE | mixed |
69) | MailMax IMAP overflows (2) | Checks the version of the remote IMAP server | infos |
70) | MailMax SMTP / IMAP overflows | Overflows the remote IMAP server | mixed |
71) | man2web Command Execution Vulnerability | Checks for command execution vulnerability in man2web | attack |
72) | MCMS : Buffer overflow in Profile Service | Checks for the presence of MCMS | denial |
73) | MDaemon IMAP CREATE overflow | Determines the version number of the remote IMAP server | infos |
74) | Mercury Mail Remote IMAP Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for version of Mercury Mail | infos |
75) | Mercury ph Server Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for a buffer overflow vulnerability in Mercury ph Server | mixed |
76) | mod_mylo overflow | Checks for version of mod_mylo | infos |
77) | mod_ntlm overflow / format string bug | mod_ntlm overflow / format string | destructive_attack |
78) | mod_ssl hook functions format string vulnerability | Checks for version of mod_ssl | infos |
79) | mod_ssl SSL_Util_UUEncode_Binary Overflow | Checks for version of mod_ssl | infos |
80) | Multiple vulnerabilities in CUPS | Crashes the remote CUPS server | attack |
81) | NAI Management Agent overflow | Determines if the remote NAI WebShield SMTP Management trusts us | destructive_attack |
82) | Netscape Enterprise 'Accept' buffer overflow | Accept overflow | destructive_attack |
83) | netscape imap buffer overflow after logon | checks for a buffer overflow in imapd | destructive_attack |
84) | NNTP message headers overflow | Sends a message with long headers to nntpd | destructive_attack |
85) | NNTP password overflow | Sends long password to nntpd | destructive_attack |
86) | Novell NetMail IMAP Agent Multiple Buffer Overflows | Checks for multiple buffer overflows in Novell NetMail's IMAP agent | denial |
87) | NSS Library SSLv2 Challenge Overflow | Tests for the NSS SSLv2 challenge overflow | mixed |
88) | Omron WorldView Wnn Overflow | Checks if the remote Wnn can be buffer overflown | destructive_attack |
89) | Oops buffer overflow | Overflows oops | destructive_attack |
90) | Open WebMail Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability | Checks for arbitrary execution vulnerability in Open WebMail | infos |
91) | Open WebMail userstat.pl Arbitrary Command Execution | Checks for Arbitrary Command Execution flaw in Open WebMail's userstat.pl | attack |
92) | Open WebMail vacation.pl Arbitrary Command Execution | Checks for Arbitrary Command Execution flaw in Open WebMail's vacation.pl | infos |
93) | OpenSSH 2.3.1 authentication bypass vulnerability | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
94) | OpenSSH 2.5.x -> 2.9.x adv.option | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
95) | OpenSSH < 3.0.1 | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
96) | OpenSSH Client Unauthorized Remote Forwarding | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
97) | OpenSSL overflow (generic test) | Checks for the behavior of OpenSSL | mixed |
98) | OpenSSL overflow via invalid certificate passing | Checks for the behavior of SSL | infos |
99) | PeerCast Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Tries to crash PeerCast web server | mixed |
100) | PeerCast Format String Vulnerability | Checks for format string vulnerability in PeerCast | mixed |
101) | PicoZip ZipInfo.dll Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks version of PicoZip | infos |
102) | qpopper euidl problem | checks for the version of qpopper | infos |
103) | qpopper LIST buffer overflow | checks for a buffer overflow in pop3 | destructive_attack |
104) | qpopper Qvsnprintf buffer overflow | qpopper options buffer overflow | infos |
105) | rsh on finger output | attempts to log in using rsh | attack |
106) | rsh with null username | attempts to log in using rsh | infos |
107) | rwhois format string attack | Determines if rwhois is vulnerable to a format string attack | attack |
108) | rwhois format string attack (2) | Determines if rwhois is vulnerable to a format string attack | attack |
109) | scp File Create/Overwrite | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
110) | Sentinel License Manager Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Detects remote buffer overflow vulnerability in Sentinel License Manager | denial |
111) | Shell Command Execution Vulnerability | Checks for the filtering of dangerous meta characters from network binded scripts | destructive_attack |
112) | SHOUTcast Format String Attack | SHOUTcast version check | infos |
113) | shtml.exe overflow | Checks for the presence of shtml.exe | attack |
114) | SpamAssassin Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability | Checks for an command execution flaw in spamd | attack |
115) | Squid overflows | Determines squid version | infos |
116) | Squid Remote NTLM auth buffer overflow | Squid Remote NTLM auth buffer overflow | mixed |
117) | SSH 3 AllowedAuthentication | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
118) | SSH 3.0.0 | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
119) | SSH Insertion Attack | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
120) | SSH Kerberos issue | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
121) | SSH Overflow | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
122) | SSH Secure-RPC Weak Encrypted Authentication | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
123) | SSH1 SSH Daemon Logging Failure | Checks for the remote SSH version | infos |
124) | tanned format string vulnerability | Sends a format string to the remote host | destructive_attack |
125) | TFTPD overflow | Crashes TFTPD with a big UDP datagram | kill_host |
126) | TFTPD small overflow | Crashes TFTPD with a small UDP datagram | kill_host |
127) | Tftpd32 Format String Vulnerability | Checks for a format string vulnerability in Tftpd32 | denial |
128) | TWiki INCLUDE Function Command Execution Vulnerability | Checks for INCLUDE function command execution vulnerability in TWiki | infos |
129) | TWiki rev Parameter Command Execution Vulnerability | Checks for rev parameter command execution vulnerability in TWiki | attack |
130) | UW IMAP Mailbox Name Buffer Overflow | Checks for mailbox name buffer overflow in in UW IMAP | destructive_attack |
131) | uw-imap buffer overflow after logon | checks for a buffer overflow in imapd | destructive_attack |
132) | WFTPD APPE Command Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for appe command buffer overflow vulnerability in WFTPD | denial |
133) | WinProxy HTTP CONNECT Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Checks for WinProxy < 6.1 R1c | infos |
134) | wsmp3d command execution | Executes /bin/id | infos |
135) | Yard Radius Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Overflows yardradius | destructive_attack |
136) | Zend Session Clustering Daemon Buffer Overflow Vulnerability | Tries to crash Zend Session Clustering daemon | denial |
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