Vulnerability Assessment & Network Security Forums |
The comprehensive list of vulnerabilities in this category are updated on a daily basis. There are currently 2,554 vulnerability test descriptions and summaries in the database. Clicking on the name of the vulnerability below will bring up the specific details for each network security test along with recommendations for patching the vulnerability and related discussions. Home >> Browse Vulnerability Assessment Database >> Backdoors Vulnerability assessments available for:
Vulnerability Name | Vulnerability Description | Network Security Threat Type | |
1) | 4553 Parasite Mothership Detect | Detects the presence of 4553 parasite's mothership | infos |
2) | Agobot.FO Backdoor Detection | Determines the presence of Agobot.FO | infos |
3) | Alcatel OmniSwitch 7700/7800 switches backdoor | Checks for the presence of backdoor in Alcatel 7700/7800 switches | infos |
4) | alya.cgi | Detects /cgi-bin/alya.cgi | infos |
5) | Apache mod_rootme Backdoor | Detect mod_rootme Backdoor | infos |
6) | BackOrifice | Determines the presence of BackOrifice | infos |
7) | Bofra Virus Detection | Determines the presence of a Bofra virus infection resulting from an IFrame exploit | infos |
8) | Bugbear worm | Detect Bugbear worm | infos |
9) | Bugbear.B web backdoor | Checks for Bugbear.B web backdoor | infos |
10) | Bugbear.B worm | Detect Bugbear.B worm | infos |
11) | Cart32 ChangeAdminPassword | Determines the presence of Cart32 | infos |
12) | CDK Detect | Detects the presence of CDK | infos |
13) | Check for VNC HTTP | Detects the presence of VNC HTTP | infos |
14) | CodeRed version X detection | CodeRed version X detection | infos |
15) | Dabber worm detection | Dabber worm detection | infos |
16) | Dansie Shopping Cart backdoor | Determines the presence of Dansie Shopping Cart | infos |
17) | DeepThroat | Checks for the presence of DeepThroat | infos |
18) | Default web account on Zyxel | Logs into the Zyxel web administration | infos |
19) | Desktop Orbiter Server Detection | Checks for the presence Desktop Orbiter | infos |
20) | Detect Kibuv & other worms | Detect some backdoors FTP banner (KIBUV, Agobot...) | infos |
21) | Finger backdoor | Finger cmd_root@host backdoor | infos |
22) | Fluxay Sensor Detection | Determines the presence of Fluxay Sensor | infos |
23) | FsSniffer Detection | Determines the presence of FsSniffer | infos |
24) | GateCrasher | Checks for the presence of GateCrasher | infos |
25) | GirlFriend | Checks for the presence of GirlFriend | infos |
26) | HACKER defender finder | HACKER defender finder (All versions) | infos |
27) | IIS Download.Ject Trojan Detection | IIS Download.Ject Trojan Detection | infos |
28) | IIS Possible Compromise | Searches for traces of a system compromise. | attack |
29) | IRC bot detection | Fake IDENT server (IRC bot) | infos |
30) | IRC bot ident server detection | Determines the presence of a malicious ident server | infos |
31) | JRun Sample Files | Checks for the presence of JRun sample files | infos |
32) | Korgo worm detection | Korgo worm detection | infos |
33) | Kuang2 the Virus | Checks for Kuang2 the Virus | infos |
34) | Lion worm | Determines the presence of Lion | infos |
35) | lovgate virus is installed | Checks for the presence of Luvgate | infos |
36) | MoonLit Virus Backdoor | Detect MoonLit virus | infos |
37) | MPEi/X Default Accounts | Checks for open accounts | infos |
38) | mstream agent Detect | Detects the presence of a mstream agent | infos |
39) | mstream handler Detect | Detects the presence of a mstream agent | infos |
40) | MyDoom Virus Backdoor | Detect MyDoom worm | infos |
41) | NetBus 1.x | Checks for the presence of NetBus 1.x | infos |
42) | NetBus 2.x | Determines the presence of NetBus Pro | infos |
43) | NetSphere Backdoor | Checks for the presence of NetSphere | infos |
44) | Port TCP:0 | Open a TCP connection to port 0 | infos |
45) | Portal of Doom | Checks for the presence of Portal of Doom | infos |
46) | Post-Nuke Trojan Horse | Determines if post-nuke is trojaned | infos |
47) | radmin detection | Detect radmin | infos |
48) | radmin on port 10002 - possible GDI compromise | Detect radmin | infos |
49) | Remote PC Access Server Detection | Checks for the presence PC Anywhere | infos |
50) | RemotelyAnywhere SSH detection | Detect RemotelyAnywhere SSH server | infos |
51) | RemotelyAnywhere WWW detection | Detect RemotelyAnywhere www server | infos |
52) | RemoteNC detection | Determines the presence of RemoteNC | infos |
53) | Sasser Virus Detection | Sasser Virus Detection | infos |
54) | Shaft Detect | Detects the presence of Shaft | infos |
55) | SMTP server on a strange port | An SMTP server is running on a non standard port | infos |
56) | Stacheldraht Detect | Detects the presence of Stacheldraht | infos |
57) | SubSeven | Determines the presence of SubSeven | infos |
58) | SyGate Backdoor | Detects whether SyGate remote controller is running | infos |
59) | TFN Detect | Detects the presence of TFN | infos |
60) | TFTP backdoor | Retrieve an executable file through TFTP | infos |
61) | The remote host is infected by the Zotob Worm | Connects to port 8888 | infos |
62) | Trin00 Detect | Detects the presence of trin00 | infos |
63) | Trin00 for Windows Detect | Detects the presence of trin00 | infos |
64) | Trinity v3 Detect | Detects the presence of trinity v3 | infos |
65) | Trojan horses | Look for potential trojan horses | attack |
66) | Unpassworded bash account | Logs into the remote host with bash account | infos |
67) | URCS Server Detection | Determines the presence of the URCS Server | infos |
68) | w32.spybot.fcd worm infection | Detects if w32.spybot.fcd is installed on the remote host | infos |
69) | WinSATAN | Checks for the presence of WinSATAN | infos |
70) | Wollf backdoor detection | Determines the presence of Wollf | infos |
71) | XAMPP Default FTP Account | Attempts to log in via FTP as nobody/xampp | infos |
72) | Xerox MicroServer Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities | Checks for unauthorized access vulnerabilities in Xerox MicroServer | infos |
73) | Zincite.A (MyDoom.M) Backdoor | Detect MyDoom worm | infos |
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