Vulnerability Assessment & Network Security Forums |
If through a vulnerability assessment, a network security issue is detected for the vulnerability below, applying the appropriate security patches in a timely matter is very important. If you have detected that your system has already been compromised, following CERT's Network Security recovery document will assist with recommended steps for system recovery. Home >> Browse Vulnerability Assessment Database >> Web Servers >> Netscape Server ?wp bug Vulnerability Assessment Details
Netscape Server ?wp bug |
Make a request like http://www.example.com/?wp-cs-dump Detailed Explanation for this Vulnerability Assessment Requesting a URL with special tags such as '?wp-cs-dump' appended to it makes some Netscape servers dump the listing of the page directory, thus revealing the existence of potentially sensitive files to a possible hacker. Solution : disable the 'web publishing' feature of your server Network Security Threat Level: Medium Networks Security ID: 1063 Vulnerability Assessment Copyright: This script is Copyright (C) 2000 Renaud Deraison |
Cables, Connectors |
Vintage Apple lle 128K Model Vintage Computer
Apple Macintosh 128K M0001 Computer with Mouse, no keyboard. Case included. 1984
RARE 1984 Macintosh 128K M0001 MacWrite MacPaint BOX Set 1st Mac Software WORKS
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Vintage Apple Macintosh 128k / 512k Mouse (1985) Made In USA
1984 APPLE MACINTOSH 40th Anniversary MATCHING # BOX Set 1st Mac 128K M0001 NICE
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1 Vintage apple macintosh computer 128k 1 Vintage Apple Macintosh 512k M0001
Apple ImageWriter II Printer Din-8 Serial Cable - 590-0551-A M0185 Mac 128k 512k
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